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各種無線有線通信通訊仿真平臺,各種離散時間仿真平臺,各種仿真框架,仿真庫都可以看過來。想做LTE, WIMAX, WIFI, WLAN , TDSCDMA , WCDMA , UMTS , UWB,3G,4G各種仿真研究,都可以參考這些平臺的設計思路。 更多關(guān)于無線通訊系統(tǒng)級仿真方面的內(nèi)容,可以看我個人豆丁主頁-》他上傳的文檔 中的《仿真平臺》文件夾
共 43 個文檔
NS3開源免費網(wǎng)絡仿真平臺介紹 overview 39p
ppt NS3開源免費網(wǎng)絡仿真平臺介紹 overview
Wizards for the OMNeT++ omnet IDE 14p
pdf Wizards for the OMNeT++ omnet IDE
Wizards for the OMNeT++ omnet IDE
OMNET實踐 15p
doc OMNET實踐
An introduction to the GNED editor of OMNEST OMNET++ 20p
pdf An introduction to the GNED editor of OMNEST OMNET..
An introduction to the GNED editor of OMNEST OMNET++
Introduction to OMNeT++ 19p
pdf Introduction to OMNeT++
Introduction to OMNeT++
omnet 開源離散事件仿真平臺介紹 43p
ppt omnet 開源離散事件仿真平臺介紹
omnet 開源離散事件仿真平臺介紹
OMNeT++ based cross-layer simulator 8p
pdf OMNeT++ based cross-layer simulator
OMNeT++ based cross-layer simulator
What is the Right Model for Wireless Channel Interference 10p
pdf What is the Right Model for Wireless Channel Interferen..
What is the Right Model for Wireless Channel Interference
MiXiM in omnet The Physical Layer An Architecture Overview 25p
pdf MiXiM in omnet The Physical Layer An Architecture Over..
MiXiM in omnet The Physical Layer An Architecture Overview
A Virtual Platform for Network Experimentation 無線通訊硬件系統(tǒng)仿真 8p
pdf A Virtual Platform for Network Experimentation 無線通訊硬..
TCP IP modelling in OMNeT 26p
pdf TCP IP modelling in OMNeT
TCP IP modelling in OMNeT
A parallel dynamical UMTS simulator 7p
pdf A parallel dynamical UMTS simulator
A parallel dynamical UMTS simulator
The User Manual of the HyperCast Simulator (LoTos) 11p
doc The User Manual of the HyperCast Simulator (LoTos&..
The User Manual of the HyperCast Simulator (LoTos)
A Candidate Platform for Simulation of wireless Radio Protocols. Supported by discrete event simulation 19p
pdf A Candidate Platform for Simulation of wireless Radio P..
wireless Simulation framework for early phase exploration of SDR platforms - a case study of platform dimensioning 4p
pdf wireless Simulation framework for early phase exploration ..
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